Got Moths? Get Moth Control
Pantry moths, known scientifically as Indian meal moths or Plodia interpunctella, are a very common kitchen pest that feeds on a variety of dry goods typically found in home pantries and kitchen cabinets. These small moths thrive on grains, cereals, flour, pasta, crackers, birdseed, pet food, nuts, dried fruits, chocolate, and more, leaving behind messy webs and larvae.
About 1/2 inch long with a wingspan around 3/4 inch, pantry moths can be identified by the distinctive coppery-brown coloring on the outer portions of their wings. The ends of their narrow, fringed wings also feature several black dots. When at rest, the moths have a cylinder-like shape with their wings wrapped tightly around their bodies.
The adult female moths live approximately 30 days and may lay between 30 to 400 tiny, pearl-white eggs during their lifetime, usually singly or in small clusters directly on or near potential food sources. After just 4 to 9 days the eggs hatch into tiny translucent larvae (caterpillars) that immediately begin chewing into packaging to feed.
Pantry moth infestations often originate from egg-bearing moths in commercial food processing and packaging plants. The moths or eggs then make their way into homes through purchased goods containing grains, baking supplies, dried fruits, nuts, and more. Once established in your pantry, an infestation can be tricky to notice at first. Signs include:
- Fine silken webs found on food boxes or shelves
- Tiny pinholes in packaging
- Clusters of grains or particles stuck to webbing
- Larvae among stored foods
- Emergence holes in packaging as mature larvae leave to form cocoons
- Odd smell from larval secretions and webbing
While certainly destructive and annoying pantry pests, Indian meal moths do not bite humans or pets and are not vectors of diseases or parasites. Accidentally consuming larvae from infested foods poses no health risks beyond possible gastrointestinal upset in sensitive individuals. Even so, allowing infestations to proliferate can destroy food supplies and lead to heavy financial losses. Taking quick action when signs first appear is key to eliminating these problematic insects.

pantry moth control
- Remove everything from your pantry shelves and storage containers
- Carefully inspect food packaging and discard any infested or damaged items
- Thoroughly vacuum the pantry floor and walls to remove food debris and moth eggs
- Wash all pantry surfaces and storage containers with hot, soapy water
- Mix equal parts vinegar and water to wipe down all surfaces to further eliminate eggs
- Avoid immediately returning unsealed food items to the pantry after cleaning
- Store cleaned items in airtight, pest-proof containers
When to Seek Professional Pantry Moth Control
If pantry moths persist after exhaustive cleaning and efforts to locate and discard all infested food materials, contact Pest Asset right away for professional pantry moth elimination services. An ongoing infestation often indicates established populations is hiding and breeding in hard to access areas.
Pest Asset Pantry Moth control Treatment Process
- Identification of the exact moth species infesting your home
- Thorough inspection of all kitchen cabinets and pantries for infestations
- Pinpointing areas where moths are entering, breeding, and accessing food
- Creation of a tailored treatment plan using targeted products
- Follow-up visits and advice on prevention of future infestations
With extensive experience in eliminating persistent pantry moth problems, Pest Asset has the cutting edge tools and products for complete eradication of these destructive pantry pests.
Why Choose Pest Asset
Expert Technicians: Our skilled technicians are trained to diagnose and treat moth problems, offering a personalized program for your unique situation
Guaranteed Results: We stand behind our services with a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee and free return visits to ensure your satisfaction.
Personalized Service: Each moth infestation is unique, and we customize our treatments to fit your specific needs.
Get Your Quote: Contact us today and take the first step toward a moth-free pantry!