Common Summer Pests in Northeast Ohio

Summer is a time for outdoor activities, barbecues, and enjoying the warm weather in Northeast Ohio. However, it also brings an increase in pest activity. To ensure a pest-free summer, it’s crucial to be aware of the common pests that can invade your home and take proactive steps to prevent and control infestations.

Mosquitoes: An Annoying Summer Nuisance

One of the most bothersome pests during summer in Northeast Ohio is mosquitoes. These pesky insects not only cause itchy bites but also pose a risk of spreading diseases like West Nile virus. To minimize their presence, follow these preventive measures:

  1. Eliminate standing water: Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, so regularly empty containers, unclog gutters, and fix any outdoor drainage issues.
  2. Use mosquito repellents: Apply EPA-approved insect repellents on exposed skin and clothing when spending time outdoors.
  3. Install screens: Ensure that doors and windows have properly fitted screens to keep mosquitoes out of your home.

Ants: Preventing Indoor Invasions

Ants are another common summer nuisance in Northeast Ohio, often seeking food and water sources inside homes. To prevent ant infestations, consider the following tips:

  1. Seal entry points: Inspect and seal any cracks or gaps in doors, windows, and foundation to prevent ants from entering.
  2. Keep your kitchen clean: Wipe countertops, sweep floors, and promptly clean up food and beverage spills. Store food in airtight containers.
  3. Eliminate moisture: Fix leaky pipes, faucets, and address any areas of excessive moisture, as ants are attracted to damp environments.

Effective Pest Control Strategies for a Pest-Free Summer

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Approach

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an effective and environmentally friendly approach to pest control. It focuses on proactive measures to prevent pests and minimizes the use of chemical treatments. Follow these IPM strategies for a pest-free summer:

  1. Inspection and identification: Regularly inspect your property for signs of pest activity, and identify the specific pests present to develop targeted control methods.
  2. Exclusion: Seal off entry points to prevent pests from entering your home. Install door sweeps, repair screens, and caulk cracks and gaps.
  3. Sanitation: Maintain cleanliness by regularly cleaning and decluttering your property. Properly dispose of trash, keep food storage areas clean, and eliminate potential pest attractants.
  4. Mechanical controls: Utilize physical barriers like traps and screens to capture or deter pests.
  5. Biological controls: Encourage natural pest predators like birds, bats, and beneficial insects to help control pest populations.
  6. Chemical controls: If necessary, use targeted and low-toxicity pesticides as a last resort. Seek professional advice for the appropriate application.

Seeking Professional Pest Control Services

In some cases, DIY methods may not effectively address persistent or severe pest infestations. Consulting a professional pest control company can ensure comprehensive and long-lasting solutions. When choosing a pest control service in Northeast Ohio, consider the following factors:

  1. Experience and expertise: Look for a company with experience in dealing with pest issues specific to the region.
  2. Integrated approach: Ensure the company follows integrated pest management (IPM) approach, focusing on prevention and minimal chemical use.
  3. Licensing and certification: Verify that the pest control company is licensed and employs certified technicians who undergo regular training.
  4. Customer reviews and reputation: Read reviews and seek recommendations to gauge the company’s reliability, effectiveness, and customer satisfaction.


As summer approaches in Northeast Ohio, it’s important to take proactive measures to keep pests at bay and ensure a pest-free environment. By understanding the common pests and implementing preventive strategies like removing standing water, sealing entry points, and practicing good sanitation, you can enjoy a summer free from annoying and potentially harmful pest infestations. Remember, if you encounter persistent or severe pest problems, seeking professional pest control services with an integrated approach can provide the expertise and solutions needed for effective pest management during the summer months.

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